Matthew 5:3-12
3 God's well-being1 is given,
not to the spiritually “self-sufficient”,
for they are the ones open to letting God come down from Heaven
to set up shop in their lives.4 5
4 God's well-being is given,
not to those who party louder than their pain,
and care not for anyone or any-time else,
but to those who are greatly disturbed6 by being battered on the outside and in,
by the world and sin;
for they are the ones who can see that they will need God's counselors7,
some of whom are standing by 24/7.
5 God's well-being is given,
not to those who try to conquer others to serve themselves,
but to those who conquer themselves8 to serve God and others9,
for they are the ones who will be given God's property10 permanently11.
6 God's well-being is given,
not to those who are proud of their own character and actions,
but to those who instead have an overwhelming, gnawing craving12
for God's approval13,
for they are the ones who will have
their most important needs begin to be met in this life,
and every need fully met14 in the next.
7 God's well-being is given,
not to those who are busy dispensing judgment on others
(especially those that bug them)15,
but to those who are busy dispensing God's kindness to all they come in contact with
(not just the ones they like)16,
for they are the ones who will be forgiven17.
8 God's well-being is given,
not to those who focus on the outside,
trying to look like they are doing all the right stuff18,
but to those who are clean19 inside20,
for they are the ones who will be able to see God clearly, as He really is21,
so they can become like Him.
9 God's well-being is given,
not to those who ignore relationships that are broken
(whether by they themselves, or others),
but to those who try to mend broken relationships22
(even if they didn't cause the break),
for they are the ones who will be recognized as23 being like God in character and life24.
10 God's well-being25 is given,
not to those who work to get the approval of the world26,
but to those who are hounded27 because God works through them in this world28,
for when their job here is done,
He will pull them out and take them to their home with Him in heaven29.
11 God's well-being is given to you, when you are verbally attacked30, hounded,
and all kinds of scandalous stories are made up31 about you and spewed all over32
to try to make you look bad because when they look at you they see Me.
12 A spectacular finale of God's lavish gift awaits you in heaven
if you hang in there33.
So focus34 instead on that future party atmosphere35
and let that celebration feeling gush up in you and come out in a jump of thankful joy36.
You are in good company. In the same way,
God's specially commissioned spokesmen37 who lived prior to you, were hounded.
They will be so pleased to see you when you arrive at that celebration.
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MATTHEW 5:3-12 (The Message)
5:3 "You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule.
5:4 "You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.
5:5 "You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are--no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.
5:6 "You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.
5:7 "You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ’care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.
5:8 "You’re blessed when you get your inside world--your mind and heart--put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
5:9 "You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.
5:10 "You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.
5:11 "Not only that--count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit Me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. 5:12 You can be glad when that happens--give a cheer, even!--for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."
1“God's well-being”: Usually translated “Blessed” or “Happy”.
Fullness of life, the true happiness which endures. Happy are those whose sins are forgiven. The distinctive joy which accrues to man from his share in the salvation of the kingdom of God. At Galatians 4:15 for the blessedness of receiving the message of salvation. TDNT:IV:365-369.
2“Beggars”: Usually translated “poor”. But it does not refer to those who scrape by on their own. It refers to those who are dependent on others to survive. It comes from a word that means “to bow down timidly”.
3“Spiritual beggars”: It speaks of one deeply conscious of his need. He has plumbed the depths of his heart and found nothing there that had any real value. This man has reached his own point of despair: he has realized his own utter helplessness. Only he can be helped who knows that mere things are quite incapable of bringing him happiness and security. Fowler:I:210.
4“Set up shop in their lives”: Usually translated 'kingdom,' it is to be noted first that it signifies the 'being,' 'nature' and 'state' of the king. Since the reference is to a king, we do best to speak first of his 'dignity' or 'power.' Almost spontaneously there then intrudes a richly attested second meaning: the dignity of the king is expressed in the territory ruled by him, i.e., his 'kingdom.' TDNT:I:579.
5“God come down from Heaven to set up shop in their lives”: Usually “the kingdom of Heaven”.
The kingdom of heaven can refer to the lordship which comes down from heaven into this world. Insights: (1) The meaning is reign rather than realm. (2) This reign is one which comes down by divine intervention.” TDNT:I:582.
6“Greatly disturbed”: Passionate grief which leads to corresponding action. TDNT:VI:42.
The blessing of Jesus is for those who are much disturbed, whether at the poor state of the world or at their own imperfection (Matthew 5:4 see also Isaiah 61:2-3). TDNT:IV:368.
7“Counselor”: 1. 'To call to'; 2. 'To beseech'; 3. 'To exhort'; 4. 'To comfort.' TDNT:V:773.
4. 'To comfort.' From friendly encouragement it is only a step to comfort, especially in times of grief. TDNT:V:776.
8“Conquer themselves”: Revelation 3:21:
I will grant the one who conquers permission to sit with me on my throne,
just as I too conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. Net.
9“Conquer themselves to serve God and others”: Fowler:I:213.
Forbearance and consideration for others that is willing to waive rights for the good of others.
Usually translated “meek”, but “gentle” would be a much better translation.
An active attitude and deliberate acceptance, not just a passive submission. TDNT:VI:645-646.
10“God's property”: Usually translated, “earth”, but a better translation is “land”.
The Earth, Land as a Dwelling-place of Man. 'The land of promise.' The land promised to Abraham. TDNT:I:677.
11“Given ... permanently”: A lasting possession which rests on the gift of God. TDNT:III:777-779.
The inheritance is God's rule or reign, which lavishes on man the inconceivable riches of the divine life. In Revelation 21:2-7 the new Jerusalem on the new earth is the residence of God among humans. “The one who conquers will inherit these things.” TDNT:III:781-785.
12“Overwhelming, gnawing craving”: Usually translated, “hunger and thirst”.
Israel was poor in water resources. There was a focus water. There is no assurance of water for either men or plants in Palestine. Water supply is always threatened. Hence bread and water are given equal emphasis in the Old Testament as necessities. TDNT:VIII:318-319.
13“God's approval”: Usually translated, “righteousness”.
1) state of the one who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God
1a) the teaching concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God. Net.Bible.Org:Strong's Greek Word Number 1343.
14“Every need fully met”: Usually translated, “filled” or “satisfied”.
To fodder, i.e. to gorge (supply food in abundance) 1) to fill, satisfy with food, to fatten 2) to fill or satisfy 3) to fulfill or satisfy desire. (Net.Bible.Org:Strong's Greek Number 5526.)
15“Dispensing judgment on others (especially those that bug them)”: TDNT:II:481:
The anger which is the opposite of mercy, is the anger of judgment (condemnation).
Happy is that man who admits to himself that he is a sinner and never seizes for himself the position of unforgiving Judge. (Fowler:I:219.)
16“Dispensing God's kindness to all they come in contact with (not just the ones they like)”: Usually translated “merciful”. Compassionate.
The divinely required attitude of man to man. The kindness which we owe one another in mutual relationships. In some cases the showing of love and the act of mercy. (TDNT:II:479-483)
17“Will be forgiven”: Usually translated mercy.
“Happy is that man who admits to himself that he is a sinner and never seizes for himself the position of unforgiving Judge, but is continually generous with his compassion, intelligent with his leniency, ready to forgive, for God enjoys forgiving that kind of man.” Fowler:I:218-219.
18 “Focus on the outside, trying to look like they are doing all the right stuff”:
Jesus is attacking all purely external religion. Fowler:I:219.
19“Clean”: full and unreserved self-offering to God which renews the heart and rules out any acceptance of what is against God. cleansed from past sin and wholeheartedly directed to God. TDNT:III:425.
20“Inside”: Usually translated “heart”. We usually use the word “heart” to mean our emotions.
The unity and totality of the inner life. The center of the inner life of man and the source or seat of all the forces and functions of soul and spirit. The whole of the inner being of man in contrast to his external side (TDNT:III:610-612).
21“Able to see God clearly, as He really is”: See 1 John 3:1-3.
To stare at, to discern clearly.'s Dictionary:Word Number 3708.
Recognition or understanding (TDNT:V:324). “To learn to see” (TDNT:V:326). “To come to realize” (TDNT:V:342-343). “To pay attention to” (TDNT:V:361).
22“Those who try to mend broken relationships”: Usually translated “peacemakers”.
Those who disinterestedly come between two contending parties and try to make peace (TDNT:II:419). The new relationship of God to man calls for mercy and a spirit of reconciliation between man and man (TDNT:I:47).
23“Will be recognized as”: To name, to give a name to, to bear a name or title ( Strong's Dictionary:2564). 1 John 3:1 adds to “called God's children” the words “and we are” (TDNT:III:489). By family likeness recognized as the children of God (Jamieson:2132). Will be more or less recognized as God-like by men (Maclaren). Usually translated “will be called”.
24“Being like God in character and life”: Those who in character and life resemble God ('s Dictionary:5207). Sharing a nature or quality (TDNT:VIII:346-347). God is seen reflected in them; and by the family likeness they are recognized as children of God (Jamieson:2132). Will be recognized as God-like (Maclaren). Those who resemble God, or who manifest a spirit like His (Barnes). They are like God (McGarvey:I:50). Usually translated “sons”.
25“God's well-being”: Jesus pronounces as the truly happy those who are so anchored to their character or convictions that they cannot be bribed, cajoled or threatened into surrender of principle. Fowler:I:224.
26“Work to get the approval of the world”: Luke 6:26a: There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them (Msg.).
Most tend to measure the amount of happiness in their lives by the extent to which they escape trouble and suffering (Fowler:I:228).
27“Hounded”: “To set in rapid motion”, “to hasten”, “To persecute,” “to expel,” technical term in law for “to accuse” (TDNT:II:229). Run after”, “hasten”, “to drive out” (TDNT:II:229-230). “To run after a person”, “to pursue” (TDNT:II:230). To pursue, follow after, as one does a flying enemy, to oppress one, on account of his religion (Barnes).
28“God works through them in this world”: The consistent and normative action of God (TDNT:II:195). In Matthew 5:6 action before and for God (TDNT:II:198-199). God at work (TDNT:II:203). The believer is drawn into the movement of the rule of God (TDNT:II:209). In Romans 6:18 'slaves of righteousness' means the members become tools of righteousness (TDNT:II:209-210). Usually translated “righteousness”. Translated “God's approval” in verse 6.
29“He will pull them out and take them to their home with Him in heaven”: Usually translated “the kingdom of heaven. Translated “God come down from Heaven to set up shop in their lives” in verse 3. The phrase has the two-fold meaning of the rule of God invading earth from heaven (see verse 3), and then the taking of those who cooperate with God, to heaven (see verse 10).
30“Verbally attacked”: Verbally attack with abusive language, condemn, discontented utterances which degrade and wound, badmouth, insult, ridicule.
31“Made up”: Strong's 5574 verb: to utter an untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood.
a. The active verb: “to deceive”. b. The noun: “deceit”.
c. The adjective means: transitive: “deceiving”; intransitive: “fabricated”. TDNT:IX:594-595.
Direct lying against others. TDNT:IX:596.
32“Spewed all over”: Strong's 4483 verb. to utter, i.e. speak or say
Definition: to pour forth, to utter.'s Greek Dictionary:4483.
33“A spectacular finale of God's ... gift … if you hang in there”: Usually translated “reward”.
A sign of God's grace and blessing (TDNT:IV:697). The reward is great out of all proportion in relation to man's conduct (TDNT:IV:716-717). The reward is simply the divine glory underservedly received (TDNT:IV:719). Reward is simply a term for the incomparably rich gift of God's love to man in spite of all his weakness and sin (TDNT:IV:728).
34“Focus”: Our focus should be heaven and all that waits for us there.
(Notice the phrases in bold in verses 10 and 12.)
35“Focus instead on that future party atmosphere”: In feasts one may see what it is to be glad, with God as the object of joy. This word corresponds to the inner intention of joy itself that Old Testament usage focuses on the end times. TDNT:IX:363.
The future experienced as joy in the present (TDNT:IX:369). Usually translated “rejoice”.
36“Let that celebration feeling gush up in you now and come out in a jump of thankful joy”:
Usually translated “be glad”.
To jump for joy. Its prefix means “much”. The main word without the prefix means “to jump”, “to gush”, “to leap”, “to spring up”, “gush up”.'s Greek Dictionary:21,242.
Gladness denotes joy of the end times expressed as community festivity. The end-times act of divine salvation is the theme of rejoicing. Revelation 19:7: “Celebrate and be glad ... for the wedding celebration of the Lamb.” This gladness is anticipated in faith. TDNT:I:20.
37“God's specially commissioned spokesmen”: Usually translated “prophets”.
A summary of the use of the word group in profane Greek shows that the prefix pro- never indicates the future (TDNT:VI:795). Those who speak as commissioned by Yahweh (TDNT:VI:800). Speaking by Yahweh's commission (TDNT:VI:801).