10 AM Sunday Worship Service

Don’t worry, there isn’t a lot you need to know before you come to Evers Road Christian Church (ERCC) for the first time.

Our service typically lasts about 75 minutes.  Please know that we will never single you out or embarrass you in any way by having you stand or wear a special name tag.  We want you to feel comfortable enough to connect with the personal hope and practical help that God offers us.

  • As you enter the parking lot, be on the lookout for our Guest Parking signs. We’ve saved the best spots up front just for you!
  • Don’t worry about what to wear!  We’re more concerned with meeting your real life needs than with what you wear. So, dress casually and you’ll fit in just fine!

We’ll begin by singing some common worship songs that will include both traditional hymns and more contemporary songs.  We know worship music can often be about preferences, but each Sunday our goal is to give God the glory as we do our best to worship Him.

Communion and offering are part of each Sunday at ERCC. We have an open Communion that is offered to all believers every Sunday, followed by an offering collection, but guests are not expected, or asked, to put anything into the offering collection plate.  However, we would appreciate you putting a communication card, along with all other attendees, with as much information as you are willing to share about yourself (name, email address, prayer needs, etc).

Pastor Mark Wright will provide a a Biblical message for around 30 minutes that is applicable to everyday living.   You are sure to be blessed by his messages!

Worship Service Order

  • Songs of Praise led by Chris Engstrom
  • Prayer Time
  • Communion Service (partaking of the Lord’s Supper)
  • Offering Tithes (guests are not asked to give)
  • Sermon presented by Mark  Wright (ERCC Senior Minister)
  • Closing Songs / Dismissal