
Sunday morning worship service is at 10:00 am.  YOU ARE INVITED!

Senior Minister: Mark Wright,
(210) 684-2043

 A Place Where…   What We Believe…   What To Expect…   Kind of Church  

Evers Road Christian Church (ERCC) strives to conduct its life in accordance with the pattern and spirit of the New Testament.  We believe the scriptures to be inspired by God and adequate to rule upon the faith and practices of all God’s people.

This congregation is not part of a denomination.  We are totally free as an independent body of “Christians only.”  In keeping with the New Testament example, our affairs are directed by appointed elders and deacons, with the understanding that all Christians are ministers of God, with equal claim to us their life in service to the Lord.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God to whom every person must commit his or her life in order to receive eternal life.  Having received his promise of the Holy Spirit, who guides into truth, our worship and service are conducted with the intent of pleasing Christ and God the Father.  All who so acknowledge Christ are our brothers and sisters in faith.

Members in our congregation rests upon terms laid down in the New Testament for one to become a Christian.  Those terms are:

Believe – Acts 16:31
Repent – Acts 2:38
Confess – Romans 10:10
Be immersed – Acts 2:38