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What time is your Sunday morning worship service?
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:00 am and lasts about 75 mimutes.
What is the ERCC Address & Phone Number?
Address: Evers Road Christian Church
5258 Evers Road
San Antonio, TX 7823
Phone #: (210) 684-2043
What Do I Wear to Worship?
We want worship to focus on God. That means it’s not about your clothes. Some people dress up more than others. A few people wear suits or dresses and some wear jeans.
Probably most people wear things that fit into the business casual category.
Should I Participate In Communion?
We celebrate communion every week because the Bible gives us a glimpse into the life of the people who first made up the church. Those first Christians gathered together on the first day of the week (Sunday) for the breaking of bread (Acts 20:7). We just want to be like THAT.
Evers Road Christian Church practices “open communion”. If you are a follower of Jesus (regardless of any denominational affiliation) you are welcome to participate in communion.
Communion is offered each Sunday after singing some songs of praise and a short devotion. The elements (represented by grape juice and a small cracker) are passed down each row in trays. Participants are asked to take a small juice cup and cracker. You may hold them until you are ready oryou may take them immediately. If you do not wish to participate in communion for any reason, please do not feel any pressure to do so. Simply pass the communion tray to the next person. You will not be singled out or made to feel uncomfortable.
Evers Road Christian Church views communion as our way to remember Christ’s sacrifice in obedience to Jesus’ Luke 22:19 command: “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.
Am I Expected to Give During the Offering?
Visitors are not expected participate in the offering and will not be asked to do so. You are our guest.
When is the church office open?
The office is normally open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
What denomination is your church affiliated with?
Evers Road Christian Church is a nondenominational church that is led by leaders from within its own congregation known as Elders, not an outside denominational office or headquarters. ERCC is loosely associated with a fellowship of over 5,500 similar evangelical churches nationwide called, Independent Christian Churches, claiming over 1.3 million members in the United States alone. Independent Christian Churches combine their efforts at different times to support church planting organizations, cross-cultural missionaries, benevolent associations and over 30 Christian Colleges and Seminaries.
Do you perform weddings?
Contact Senior Minister Mark Wright for answer
Do you perform Funeral Services?
Contact Senior Minister Mark Wright for answer