What is the ERCC Address & Phone Number? by JerryK13|Published August 25, 2014 Address: Evers Road Christian Church 5258 Evers Road San Antonio, TX 7823 Phone #: (210) 684-2043
Published June 4, 2014 What denomination is your church affiliated with? Evers Road Christian Church is a nondenominational church that is led by leaders from within its own congregation known as Elders, not … Continue reading →
Published August 25, 2014 Should I Participate In Communion? We celebrate communion every week because the Bible gives us a glimpse into the life of the people who first made up the … Continue reading →
Published August 25, 2014 Am I Expected to Give During the Offering? Visitors are not expected participate in the offering and will not be asked to do so. You are our guest.