South Central Texas Women’s Retreat

Ladies, please make plans to attend the South Central Texas Women’s Retreat, Friday and Saturday, 18-19 October at the Sunday House, 510 E. Main St. in Fredricksburg. The theme will be “Be Transformed” with guest speaker Love Lockman. If planning to attend, Millie has registration forms which will be due with payment no later than Sunday, September 1, 2024.

The cost for attending Saturday only is the same as the past two years: $45 which includes lunch. Cost for the entire retreat which includes hotel and meals is based on the number of occupants in a room (from one to four maximum). Prices are on the form and range from $100 per person for four to a room up to $245 per person for those who won’t be sharing a room. Scholarships are available for those who can’t afford to pay but who wish to attend. Just let Millie Borelli know as she is ERCC’s contact person. Also, there are only two ADA rooms that are first come, first served. Optional T-shirts “Be Transformed”, Romans 12: 1-2″ can be pre-ordered on the registration form as well. If pre-ordering, payment will also be due at time of registration. For more information or questions, please contact Millie Borelli at (210) 347-3568 or at if you don’t see her at church.

Outdoor Movie Night – Friday, Sept 27th

Join us Friday September 27th for a great movie about a Texas boy born in poverty. His godly single mother struggled to provide food for her kids, and they suffered hunger. But George grows up to become the heavyweight champion of the world; then he has a powerful conversion experience. At a time of crisis, George re-enters the ring to fund his Christian ministry to street kids. He then accomplishes a feat that no other boxer before him ever did—he wins the heavy weight title a 2nd time at the age of 45.

ERCC will provide hot dogs. Please bring side dishes and desserts to share.  Join us for family fun. We’ll begin eating at 7:00 pm.

The movie will begin at 7:30 pm. Don’t miss this true story of struggle and faith with a happy ending!

Questions?  Ask HERE

Outreach to Unchurched Kids Begins September 21st

We’ve prayed and asked God to lead us. We’re planning to have our first “saturation” event at a nearby apartment complex,. It will include serving hot dogs and ice cream, and having kids throw water balloons at Caleb! The saturation event will begin at 11:30 am. We should be finished by 1 pm.

We’re trusting God to do great things. We’re taking his light into the darkness!

Questions?  Ask HERE

Youth Scripture Scavenger Hunt – Sunday, Sept 15th

For September, the ERCC youth will be gathering at the church for a Scripture Scavenger Hunt! We’ll meet right after church on Sunday September 15th for the hunt. Bible verses will be hidden all over the place, and students will need to solve puzzles centered around Scripture to find their next clue. Parents and students of all ages are encouraged to attend. Afterward, we will meet in the fellowship hall for ice cream and a brief lesson. See Caleb if you have any questions.

We hope to see you there!

After-Church Potluck on Sunday, Sept 8th

Potluck Sept 8th

The Theme is Mexican Food!

Everyone is invited to the fellowship hall right after church on Sunday morning for a fellowship lunch featuring Mexican food. Bring your favorite Mexican dish or dishes. Bring enough for your family and to share with ERCC brothers and sisters. There will be no Sunday evening Bible study on this Sunday.

Questions?  Email HERE

Giving Offerings Electronically

If you are interested in providing your offering to God using the safe, modern electronic method, ERCC offers that choice.   It’s been in place since late 2019 and has seen increased popularity as cash and checks have continued to take a back seat to electronic banking in today’s financial environment.

The program we usei, called “Tithely” is one used by millions of Christians in thousands of churches.

You can give electronically directly from a bank account, credit card, or debit card.

There are 3 ways to use it:
1)  Downloading the Tithely app to your smartphone (more info HERE)
2)  Use a form found by clicking on the blue GIVE ONLINE button in the upper right corner above.
3)  Via a Text Message (more info HERE)

Instructions for each online giving method is available under the “GIVING METHODS” menu option above..  If you have any questions , or problems, please send an email to Jerry Kline at