While continuing to follow the health and safety protocols we’ve had in place since resuming 10:00 am worship services, our next step is to resume other gatherings. So beginning October 17th ERCC will move closer to “normalcy” by restarting other church gatherings (with a few temporary changes):
• 8:00 am Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast meetings will resume in the Fellowship Hall beginning October 17th.
• 9:00 am Sunday School will resume on October 18th. However, all adult classes will combine and meet in the auditorium and all youth classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Toddlers should stay with their parents.
• 10:00 am Junior Church will resume on October 18th in the Fellowship Hall.
• 6:00 pm Sunday evening bible study will resume on October 18th. However, we will meet in the auditorium.
• 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on October 21st and will meet in the auditorium.
Face coverings should be worn inside our buildings at all times, unless you are seated and at least 6 feet from non-family members. Please continue to avoid physical contact, such as handshakes and hugging. Door handles and other common touch points are disinfected regularly, but hand sanitizer is also available, as well as disposable face masks if you forget yours.
Here are additional COVID-19 guidelines:
1. If you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home.
2. Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members, to the greatest extent possible.
3. Avoid physical contact such as handshaking, “high fives”, and Hugs.
4. Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members are encouraged to sit together, but maintain at least 6 feet from others.
5. Restrooms are open, but please limit use. Max occupancy is two.
We look forward to seeing more and more people return as we gather again as Evers Road Christian Church family!
If you have any questions about our reopening, send an email to: admin@eversroadchristianchurch.org