Congregational Meeting Announcement: By-Law Vote

The Elders have called for a Congregational meeting on February 1, 2015, after the worship service.  The agenda of the meeting and issue to be presented must be posted two weeks prior to said meeting.  We are hereby announcing a by-laws vote on an Elder approved Marriage Statement (to be added to our by-laws if it receives a passing vote).  Copies of the addition to the by-laws are available in the foyer.

DVD of 2014 ERCC Christmas Play

DVD recordings of the 2014 ERCC Christmas Play, “David’s Dynasty”, are available.  There is no cost for a copy, but donations to the ERCC youth program will be appreciated!

See Cody Walton if you’d like a copy (Blu-Ray versions are available too!)

ERCC Christmas Play – Dec 14th

‘The 2014 ERCC Christmas play “David’s Dynasty” will be presented Sunday, December 14th at 6:00 pm.  Light refreshments will be served afterward.

ERCC Christmas productions are always a fun, a little different, but very memorable with a great message so you won’t want to miss it!

ERCC Thanksgiving Dinner – Nov 16th

The annual ERCC Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Sunday, November 16th, at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall.  Please signup to bring your favorite food to share with your ERCC brothers and sisters as we gather together to give thanks!

You can sign up online here:

If you can arrive early, setup help is needed too.
If you can stay late, cleanup help is needed too.

Questions?  Click here to ask !

Christmas Shoe Boxes – Nov 23rd

ERCC is participating in “Operation Christmas Child” which is sponsored by the international relief fund Samaritan’s Purse.   Delivery to the local drop off point is Nov 24th, so we need your shoe boxes, wrapped and filled with toys by Sunday, November 23rd.  If you have any questions, contact Wendy Gideon (email her HERE).  Merry Christmas!

How to Pack a Shoebox

  1. Shoebox

    Use an empty cardboard or plastic shoebox (average size). You can wrap the box, lid separately, but wrapping is not required.

  2. Boy or Girl

    Decide whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Download and print the appropriate boy/girl label. Mark the correct age category and tape the label to the top of your box.

  3. Fill With Gifts

    Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child (see Gift Suggestions).

  4. Include $7 Donation Per Box

    Help cover shipping and other costs related to delivering your shoeboxes to children overseas by donating $7 for each gift you prepare. You can give online to discover the destination of your box. Or, you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on the memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the items inside your shoebox. If you are preparing multiple gifts, please make one combined donation. Note: “Follow Your Box” is only available through online giving.

  5. Pray

    Ask God to use your gifts to show His love to the child who will receive your shoebox.

  6. Drop Off

    Place a rubber band around each closed shoebox and bring it to ERCC.


Gift Suggestions

  • Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), etc.
  • School Supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.
  • Non-Liquid Hygiene Items: toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, washcloths, etc.
  • Accessories: t-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc.
  • A Personal Note: You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. If you include your name and address, the child may be able to write back.
  • Do Not Include: Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Religious Origins of the Middle East Conflict – Dec 7th

Plan to attend a special event at ERCC on December 7th. We are having Bill Clark Sr. bring his presentation “The Religious Origins of the Middle East Conflict” to the ERCC Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m.

Bill has been hired by the Federal Government to explain the foundational issues at work in all the conflicts in the Middle East to soldiers who were departing for the Middle East. There is not another presentation like this one and you will really be glad you attended because it will help your understanding about why the Middle East is in such turmoil and how it affects us.

Invite everyone you know to attend this hour and a half session.

Christmas Caroling – Dec 17th

Join us on December 17th at 6:45 pm for some Christmas Caroling!  We’ll car pool to the homes of some folks who aren’t able to get out much and bring some Christmas spirit to them befor returning to the church for some refreshments.