Author Archives: JerryK13
Woolworth Celebration of Life
Bring a Picture of Your Dad
To honor our fathers, Pastor Wright is asking you to bring a picture of your dad. Actually, we are asking for photos of all the dads of ERCC family. Please leave your photograph for display on the back table in the auditorium (sanctuary). Father’s Day is June 19th, so please bring your picture by the 12th. The pictures may remain until June We would love to have a picture of every ERCC dad on the table.
After Church Luncheon – May 22nd
Celebrate Memorial Day a little early with your church family right after the morning service on Sunday, May 22nd! We’ll have a luncheon inside the Fellowship Hall (and outside weather permitting) . Burgers and Hot Dogs will be provided. Attendees bring the side dishes, desserts, etc.
Come fellowship with our ERCC brothers and sisters!
Good News Productions International
The mission of Good News Productions International (GNPI) is to share the Good News through strategic evangelism and provide effective resources to increase global disciple-making efforts. Their vision is to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. They have teams around the world, including: Euruasia (former Soviet countries, Portugal, and Israel), India, Kenya (Nairobi), Mexico (Piedras Negras), Philippines (Manilla), Southeast Asia, Thailand (Chiang Mai), Uganda (Mbale), and Joplin, Missouri)
Find more information and updates about GNPI on their website at:
News From the Nagland Orphanage
New Sunday Evening Study
Sunday Evening Bible Study
The Truth Project
An In-Depth Christian Worldview Experience
Starting January 23rd, we will meet in the fellowship hall each Sunday at 6 pm. The theme is “The Truth Project,” a production of Focus on the Family. Each Sunday evening, we will watch one of these transformational videos, and then have our own discussion of the material.
The following is an excerpt from the webpage of Focus on the Family:
- “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The Truth Project is a ground-breaking small group curriculum on the Biblical worldview. This video-based home Bible study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Join Dr. Del Tackett, as he takes you through 13 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life, featuring insights from biblical experts like R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington.”
Memorial Service
A Celebration of Life memorial service for Carrie Camacho will be held at ERCC on January 15th, 2022 at 1:00 pm.

Baby Olivares Arrives!
Benjamin Olivares has a new baby sister! Bailey Olivia Olivares, weighing 8 pounds and 7 ounces was born on November 15th to our Youth Minister Derrick and his wife Evelyn. Everyone is doing fine and should be home with the baby in a few days.
We’re celebrating by having a “virtual baby shower” for the family by providing them with gift cards for Walmart or Amazon to help with diapers and other necessities. The gift cards will be presented on Sunday, December 5th during the 10 am worship service. If you’d like to donate a gift card, provide it to Linda or Mark Wright before then.
Congratulations Derrick, Evelyn, Benjamin, and Bailey!
Fall Festival – October 31st
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
ERCC is hosting this Fall Festival event as an alternative to Halloween. This is an opportunity to reach out to our community and show the love of Christ in Evers Road Christian Church style.
We will be hosting the Fall Festival in our parking lot. We’ll have a LARGE inflatable obstacle course, several carnival style games with candy prizes, and an outdoor movie. Kids are welcome to wear “appropriate” costumes.
Many volunteers are needed to help with this event, so please help!
We will also need donations for this community event:
- Candy, lots of candy! Please only donate candy that won’t melt and is individually packaged and sealed.
- Extra-Large Ice Chests
- Pop up Canopy Tents
If you can help:
- by donating any needed items
- want to volunteer
- or have any questions
please contact our youth minister, Derrick Olivares.