Sunday Evening Bible Class

“Growing In Christ” is a 13-week course published by NavPress.  It is being presented by Elder Jerry Lishman.  Please join us!

Each week there is a memory verse and a chapter in workbook format. Books will be provided.

You will grow in your knowledge of the Word of God and you will grow in your faith.

We meet Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm for one hour in the fellowship Hall (except Sunday, July 4th)

Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes

These bible study classes are available for people of all ages.  Click HERE for a list of the classes, teachers, and locations.  YOU are invited!  If you want to learn more about the Bible and Jesus as well as meet others in our church, our Bible Study classes is a great place!  It happens from 9:00 – 9:45 am every Sunday morning.

Sunday School Classes


Congregational Meeting May 2, 2021

A congregational meeting of the members of Evers Road Christian Church will be held on May 2nd, 2021 immediately after the morning worship service (approximately 11:15 am).

There are two items on the agenda for the meeting:

A.  Vote on a By-Laws amendment regarding the appointment of Elders
B.  Vote to confirm additional Elders

The proposed amendment to Article V of the ERCC By-Laws is posted on the bulletin board in the foyer and copies are available in the church office.

Cancelled: Prayer Walk on Saturday, April 17th


UPDATE:  Due to the cold and strong winds, the “official” ERCC prayer walk is cancelled today.  But feel free to walk and pray on your own.

The next ERCC Prayer Walk is on Saturday, April 17th, at 4:00 pm in the O P Schnabel Park.  The address is 9606 Bandera Road, but the main entrance is under construction, so enter via Verde Drive which is west of the main entrance (see map below)  The park has 8.2 miles of natural, pugmill, concrete and asphalt trails which are great for Prayer Walks!

What Is A Prayer Walk? A prayer walk is pretty simple,  It just brings together two wonderful things:  walking & praying!  It’s a time we can be intentional about exercising and being intentional about  prayer.

We’ll meet at the entrance of the park, have a group prayer, and then everyone can walk at their own pace, for as long as you’d like, while meditating and praying.

Join us!

When:  Saturday, April 17th, at 4:00 pm
Where: OP Schnabel Park, 9606 Bandera Road

Daily Videos

Beginning April 5th, Pastor Mark is starting a new daily devotional series, An “Encouraging Word“. He is sending out short videos Monday through Friday for a 6-week period. Each video includes a verse of Scripture and a word of explanation to encourage you.

If you are not already on the list, subscribe at

Spring Cleaning is Saturday morning, April 3rd!

We need volunteers to help with our annual spring cleaning.  This is the time of year when we get ready for our spring and summer events by getting the church grounds and property repaired and cleaned.  We have jobs on the outside and on the inside so lots of help is needed! 

clip-art-cleaning-789537Start Time is 9:00 am on Saturday, April 3rd!


Thank you in advance for your help!

Easter Breakfast at ERCC

christ-is-risenJoin us on Easter morning (April 4th) for breakfast at ERCC.  We’ll have our traditional breakfast tacos, muffins, and other yummy breakfast foods ready at 8:45 am until 9:45 am.  Plan A (good weather) is to enjoy our breakfast and fellowship outside between the fellowship hall and main building.  Plan B (bad weather) is to move inside the fellowship hall.  There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids at approximately 9:15 am.

And then at 10:00 am we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior and worship our God together in the main auditorium!

Remember:  Easter is a good time to invite your “unchurched” friends, people who have drifted away from the church, and even strangers to church.  Everyone needs to hear the gospel and the Easter celebration is a great opportunity!