Good News Productions International

The mission of Good News Productions International (GNPI) is to share the Good News through strategic evangelism and provide effective resources to increase global disciple-making efforts.  Their vision is to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.  They have teams around the world, including: Euruasia (former Soviet countries, Portugal, and Israel), India, Kenya (Nairobi), Mexico (Piedras Negras), Philippines (Manilla), Southeast Asia, Thailand (Chiang Mai), Uganda (Mbale), and Joplin, Missouri)

Find more information and updates about GNPI on their website at:


Deaf Missions

Deaf Missions  exists for one purpose: To effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ with deaf people. This statement merely focuses the Great Commission of Jesus, which is to preach the Gospel to all people, on a group of people who have generally been left out.

Deaf Missions uses sign language to “effectively communicate,” specializing in reaching people who were born deaf or became deaf prelingually, and who prefer using American Sign Language instead of English. These people are usually considered to be part of the Deaf culture. It is not that they need the Gospel more than any other people, but that they need the Gospel presented to them in their own language–the same as any other culture or people-group requires.

Deaf Missions WEBSITE

North Burma Christian Ministry

It has been estimated that, by God’s grace, over a million Asian people have been impacted through the extended work of NBCM over a period of 90 years. Christianity is being taken by a network of believers into villages and cities over a multi-country span.

The work began in China by J. Russell and Gertrude Morse. As their children and grandchildren moved into Burma and on into Thailand, a string of national believers were trained to continue the work. Lisu, Lahu, Rawang, and many other tribes have sent out leaders in their own communities and into new unreached territories across the area.
Since 1972, when the Morse’s relocated in Thailand, this network has branched in many directions with indigenous pastors and teachers carrying the message of Jesus Christ.

Other missionary co-workers have joined the Morse family over the years bringing their own expertise and vision into the mission. The work continues on and expands as each new believer picks up the baton and runs the race.

North Burma Christian Ministry WEBSITE

Passion Ministries

Passion Ministries, Inc., is committed to introducing Jesus Christ to the people of India, and beyond.

Through everyday projects of compassion (serving, sharing, and meeting needs), Passion Ministries, Inc. will live out the love of Christ in a manner acceptable to the Indian Culture allowing in natural and practical ways to demonstrate God’s love. 

The ministry’s stateside focus will be to work among urban populations to nurture people in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible’s message.

Passion Ministries WEBSITE

Nagaland Children’s Outreach Ministry

Raising Children Up in the Lord.

“Currently there are no Christian orphanages in Nagaland that accept the ‘hill country’ orphans. I believe God has given me this vision, and through the orphanage, I hope to see the children grow in a sound Christian faith and put a smile on on their faces with Christ’s love. It is my desire that these children will be well educated and will become great leaders for India and the Lord’s church. ”  – Elilo Patton

Nagaland Children’s Outreach Mission WEBSITE


Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission

The Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission  ensures that ministers of the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ continue to serve with distinction among our nation’s chaplains, so that our faith group can extend its ministry to personnel of the Armed Services and of civilian agencies that employ chaplains.

Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission WEBSITE

Pioneer Bible Translators

Pioneer Bible Translators bridges the gap between the church and the Bible-less peoples around the world. Our team is composed of Bible translators, literacy evangelists, church planters and a variety of support personnel transforming lives through God’s Word in every language. We are serving 26 million people in 62 language projects in 14 countries. God is calling us to expand. With His help we will strive to start 37 new projects by the end of 2018.

We are seeking new missionaries who will step up and meet the need for incarnational ministry among Bible-less peoples. Pioneer Bible Translators currently sends missionaries from Canada and the United States. Our International Service Center, located in Dallas, TX, is crucial in attaining our global ministry goals. From here, missionaries train and prepare for cross-cultural ministry.

Pioneer Bible Translators WEBSITE

Ninos de Mexico

Niños de México is a non-profit mission organization directly supported by churches and individuals throughout the United States.

The Greater Mexico City Area is one of the largest urban areas in the world with population estimates ranging from 19.2 million to some 30 million people. In this city alone, there are hundreds of thousands of street children. Some have been orphaned. Others have been abandoned. Still, others are abused. All need the love of Jesus.

Since 1967, Niños de México has been giving LIFE to these children one child at time. Many of these children have grown up to become doctors, ministers, teachers, and more, helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in Mexico. Today, we are actively involved in sharing Jesus with the children and people of Mexico through our four children’s homes, Christian school, medical outreach, and church plants.

Niños de México operates four children’s homes in the Mexico City area. Each home is designed to function as a family. With Christian house parents, their kids, and 11-19 children, Niños’ homes are truly loving and caring places for the children to grow and learn the love of Jesus.

Ninos de Mexico WEBSITE

Ozark Christian College

The ultimate mission of OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE is to glorify God by seeking the evangelization of the lost and the edification of Christians worldwide.

The immediate mission of OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education. Emphasis is given to vocational preparation for preaching ministers, missionaries, Christian educators, ministers of music, youth ministers, day-care directors and ministers to the deaf. Biblical and practical training is also provided for those who will serve in the church in non-vocational roles such as elders, deacons, Bible school teachers, and youth sponsors.

OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE seeks to glorify God by doing His will. God’s truth we must “entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). We are involved in declaring the wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:7-12). We share in the work of equipping “the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ … speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ” (Ephesians 4:12,13,15).

We accomplish this purpose of God stated by Paul- “God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me” (Colossians 1:27-29). “The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (I Timothy 1:5).

Ozark Christian College WEBSITE

Dallas Christian College

Dallas Christian College educates and mentors students to be people of influence, under God’s influence, for a life of influence.

Dallas Christian College – Since its founding in 1950, training for Christian ministry and service to the church have been core to the College mission.  This commitment continues through educational and mentoring programs for a broader group of students and an expanded commitment to public service.

Educates – The College offers a course of post-secondary instruction leading to the Baccalaureate degree.  The curriculum is built upon a broad foundation of Liberal Arts and Biblical studies, culminating in a major field of study.  This program is designed to provide an education from a Christian perspective, preparing students for entry into professional fields and graduate studies.

Mentors – The College fosters a culture of mentoring that begins in the classroom and permeates all student activities.  This covers a broad spectrum, from academic tutoring and life coaching to spiritual formation and professional development.

Students – The College provides access to educational opportunities and resources that meet the needs of a diverse student population.  Programs are offered through multiple delivery platforms to degree- and non-degree-seeking students.

People of influence – People of influence are those whose example and work make a positive impact on the world around them through direct and indirect means.

Under God’s influence – This combination of Christian education and mentoring develops students whose lives are guided by the life and teachings of Jesus, the Son of God.

Life of influence – The successful execution of this mission results in alumni who are impacting their spheres of influence through their professions and voluntary service.  While leadership is a prime indicator of influence, these people will be known for service with a unique blend of wisdom, character, talents, and skills.

Dallas Christian College WEBSITE