Alan Wan Speaking at ERCC on Sunday, October 6th

Alan Wan of
Mission Resource Network (MRN)
Speaking October 6th in 10:00 am Worship Service

Alan was born in China. He became a follower of Jesus when he was in college in China from the influence of his English professors. After graduating with a Master’s degree in English, he came to the U.S and received another Bachelor’s degree in Bible and Intercultural Studies from Ozark Christian College.

Before joining MRN, Alan served for 8 years as the Development Officer for Good News Production International (GNPI), a global media ministry. He traveled around the country to connect donors with Kingdom-building opportunities and to share how their generosity changed lives for eternity.

His wife Jenny is actually a former member of ERCC, and served on the missions committee. Alan and Jenny met in September 2018 as Jenny performed her mission committee role of communicating with the missionaries we sponsor.

Alan is grateful to be part of the MRN family and to connect with people who share the same passion for multiplying healthy leaders to disciple the unreached and under-served people groups of the world.

South Central Texas Women’s Retreat

Ladies, please make plans to attend the South Central Texas Women’s Retreat, Friday and Saturday, 18-19 October at the Sunday House, 510 E. Main St. in Fredricksburg. The theme will be “Be Transformed” with guest speaker Love Lockman. If planning to attend, Millie has registration forms which will be due with payment no later than Sunday, September 1, 2024.

The cost for attending Saturday only is the same as the past two years: $45 which includes lunch. Cost for the entire retreat which includes hotel and meals is based on the number of occupants in a room (from one to four maximum). Prices are on the form and range from $100 per person for four to a room up to $245 per person for those who won’t be sharing a room. Scholarships are available for those who can’t afford to pay but who wish to attend. Just let Millie Borelli know as she is ERCC’s contact person. Also, there are only two ADA rooms that are first come, first served. Optional T-shirts “Be Transformed”, Romans 12: 1-2″ can be pre-ordered on the registration form as well. If pre-ordering, payment will also be due at time of registration. For more information or questions, please contact Millie Borelli at (210) 347-3568 or at if you don’t see her at church.

Giving Offerings Electronically

If you are interested in providing your offering to God using the safe, modern electronic method, ERCC offers that choice.   It’s been in place since late 2019 and has seen increased popularity as cash and checks have continued to take a back seat to electronic banking in today’s financial environment.

The program we usei, called “Tithely” is one used by millions of Christians in thousands of churches.

You can give electronically directly from a bank account, credit card, or debit card.

There are 3 ways to use it:
1)  Downloading the Tithely app to your smartphone (more info HERE)
2)  Use a form found by clicking on the blue GIVE ONLINE button in the upper right corner above.
3)  Via a Text Message (more info HERE)

Instructions for each online giving method is available under the “GIVING METHODS” menu option above..  If you have any questions , or problems, please send an email to Jerry Kline at