April 5, 2020 Worship Service

We will present our worship service online (only) on April 5, 2020 using the following link which will become active at  10:00 am:


Please Join Us Online!  During the online service, you will be invited to participate in communion by providing your own bread or cracker, and juice or whatever substitute you have available.

All worship services, classes, and meetings at the church building are cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19.  This includes:

  • Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast
  • Saturday Clean-up Day
  • Sunday School
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Sunday Evening Bible Study
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study
  • Easter Morning Breakfast
  • Easter Morning Egg Hunt

If you have any questions, send an email to:  admin@eversroadchristianchurch.org


Cancelled Events

Our 10:00 am Sunday morning Worship Services are only available online.

All worship services, classes, and meetings at the church building are cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19.
This includes:

  • Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast
  • Saturday Clean-up Days
  • Sunday School Classes
  • Sunday Morning Worship Services
  • Sunday Evening Bible Study
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study
  • Easter Morning Breakfast
  • Easter Morning Egg Hunt


March 29th Worship Service

With the “Stay at Home” order that is now in effect for San Antonio, the worship service at ERCC on Sunday, March 29th will ONLY be available online.  A live stream of an entire service will be offered via the internet.  Do not come to the church on Sunday.  Obey the direction to stay at home, but watch the service live via the internet. During the city’s stay at home order, this is the only way churches are allowed to present a service.

Last Sunday we were only able to present Phillip’s sermon, but we now have the license required to include music in our live stream, so the plan is to present a “normal” worship service, as much as practical. The only thing missing will be ya’ll!

The link for the live stream will be posted shortly before 10:00 am on Sunday at:  facebook.com/erccsa

The service will include the ‘Lords Supper”, so if you desire to participate you must provide the communion elements yourself.  A small piece of bread or cracker, and a small cup with grape juice, or whatever you have is fine.  Although physically separated from your ERCC brothers and sisters, you can still participate at the same time with them during this special portion of our worship service.

Also, since we won’t be able to accept your tithes and offerings at the church, giving online using the “Tithely” program is an excellent option you’re encouraged to consider.   You can check out those methods under the “Giving Methods” option on the menu above. 

Check our website (www.eversroadchristianchurch.org) for any updates during the week and please consider subscribing to our text message program to receive ERCC news directly on your smart phone.  See the Text Message menu option above to subscribe.


If you have any questions about the live stream service or need more information/assistance, send an email to:  admin@eversroadchristianchurch.org.

Encouragement from Phillip

With all the over-talking about COVID-19, let me point you to the Word of God for some thoughts that are much needed today.

These are uncertain times, aren’t they? The Bible records many times when the nation of Israel or Judah were in such uncertainty that they doubted they would survive. One such time was during the life time of Habakkuk. He lived through the invasion of Judah by the Babylonians. He knew the godlessness of the Kingdom of Judah and he knew they were being punished for their disobedience to the Law of Moses. Evil was simply overwhelming in his day. So, Habakkuk takes the peoples’ questions to God about “Why?”

The book ends with what I consider one of the most memorable statements of faith in God in the entire Bible. Here it is:

Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come on the nation invading us. Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, thought the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.   Habakkuk 3:16b-18

God rarely explains the “Why?” of what he is doing. But He always encourages his people to trust him, not what they can see. It would seem to be a lesson designed for us today. We cannot see the future, but by faith we can see Him who holds the whole world and all of time in His hands. People of faith trust the loving Father more than they trust their understanding of the events around them. That sounds like a good idea for us today, doesn’t it?

UPDATE: Live Stream

Live Stream video from ERCC will begin at 10:00 am with Phillip providing the sermon.  Due to copyright restrictions, we cannot broadcast the song service, so the sermon will be presented by Phillip FIRST at 10:00 am.  After he is finished, the live stream will end.

This option is being provided for those at High Risk to COVID-19 and those who are uncomfortable attending in person at this time. 

A Link to the live stream video will be on posted on Facebook before 10:00 am at:


Want to tithe while away?  Check out ERCC’s online giving options HERE

For Those Attending in Person

We will NOT have Sunday School, Junior Church, Wee Church, or a nursery available.  Children can remain with you in the sanctuary during the service.  Also, there be NO Sunday Evening services.

 There are 3 questions posted  in the lobby that you must answer “NO” to before entering.


  • Everyone is asked to avoid physical contact.
    • No handshakes, hugging, “fistbumps”, etc.
    • Welcome Waves are encouraged!
  • Maintain social distancing (6 feet) as much as practical.
    • Don’t congregate with non-family members
    • Sit in alternating pews, away from other family groups
  • All common surfaces (door handles, tables, etc) have been disinfected.
    • However, wash your hands after the service

The order of the service will be slightly to accommodate the live video streaming
     – Welcome/Announcements
– Sermon presented by Phillip
– Song Worship led by Chris
– Communion and Offering worship led by Edward
– Dismal by Phillip

The communion trays will not be passed by attendees.  A tray with the communion cups and a single piece of bread inside another cup will be offered to you by a server wearing gloves.

Offering trays will not be passed, but will be located in the back of the auditorium.

Please excuse us if things don’t go smoothly during this unique time!

 If you have any questions, you can send an email by clicking HERE

REMINDER:  The best way to stay up to date about ERCC time sensitive news is to  subscribe to our text message service.  There are two ways to sign up:

1.  Using a form found under the TEXT MESSAGE” tab at the top of this webpage.

2.  Using your phone, send the code:  EZYSL42186 to number: 313131

You will receive a confirmation message after subscribing successfully

Live Stream of Sunday Morning Service

Dear ERCC Family and Friends,

At this time, we plan to have a Sunday morning service at 10:00 am.  However, due to COVID-19, we will also offer live streaming of the service via FaceBook on internet for those at “High Risk” or uncomfortable attending in person at this time.

Details about the live streaming option will be posted here soon.

For those attending in person, please note we will NOT have Sunday School, Junior Church, Wee Church, or a nursery.  Children can remain with you in the sanctuary during the service.  Also, there not be any Sunday Evening services.

 If you have any questions, you can send an email by clicking HERE.

Any changes to our plan will be posted on the website, emailed, and texted as soon as possible.

REMINDER:  The best way to stay up to date about ERCC time sensitive news is to subscribe to our text message service.  There are two ways to sign up:

1.  Using a form found under the TEXT MESSAGE” tab at the top of this webpage.

2.  Using your phone, send the code:  EZYSL42186 to number: 313131

You will receive a confirmation message after subscribing successfully

Annual Chili Cookoff, January 26th

chili15The annual ERCC Chili Cookoff will take place on Sunday, January 26th, at 6:00 pm.  Cost to enter the contest is free!  Cost to eat the chili is free!  Cost to vote for your favorite Chili(s) is just 25 cents per vote, and you can buy as many votes as you want (even for your own chili 🙂

ticket-hiVote money will support youth trips, such as the Christ in Youth conventions, in 2020.

If you ‘d like to compete for the Best Chili in ERCC, you can signup on the clipboard in the church foyer.

Let’s get a big crowd of chili connoisseurs together to enjoy some traditional, hot, and/or unusual chili and support our youth!

Men’s Fellowship Dinner, Friday Oct 11th

Friday, October 11th, 7:00 pm
ERCC Fellowship Hall

ERCC men will gather for a meal and fellowship at 7:00 pm on Friday, October 11.  We’ll be having steak, so we need a head count!  Bring a dessert and some money to help pay for the meal. Sign up on the clipboard outside the auditorium or let Phillip know if you’ll be attending this fall event.

Ladies Fellowship Dinner-October 18th

ladies-lunchERCC ladies will meet for a luncheon on Friday, October 18th, at 7:00pm in the fellowship hall

Attendees are asked to bring a Salad or a pot of Soup.  Drinks, bread, crackers, and condiments will be provided.  

Come share a great meal and good fellowship!