Author Archives: JerryK13
Wedding Shower for Jenny on May 6th
ERCC is having a Wedding Shower for Jenny Deptuch on May 6th in the fellowship hall after the morning worship service.
She is registered at Kohl’s and on Amazon.
A signup sheet to bring a dish or snack is located in the foyer area outside the auditorium.
If you have any questions, please contact Sylvia Rodriguez.
SPECIAL Guest Speaker on April 8th!
This Sunday, April 8th, ERCC will host Joel Khopang from North Burma Christian Mission. This is one of the missions supported by our church. It has been several years since Joel was here and it will likely be quite a while before he is able to return again, so you don’t want to miss this opportunity to hear about his inspirational work, adventures, and faith!
After the morning worship service, everyone is invited to stay for a potluck luncheon with Joel in the Fellowship Hall.
Joel is from the Anung tribe in Burma. He is married to Eugene Morse’s second daughter, Marilyn. Joel works in Lahu tribal outreach, church growth, and leadership training in many villages in Northern Thailand, China, and Burma. Other efforts include outreach to some Naga tribes in India, as well as other assistance with evangelists who are focusing on unreached people groups in Burma, India and China. Marilyn has a music ministry making Christian music CD’s that are enjoyed throughout Burma.
It has been estimated that, by God’s grace, over a million Asian people have been impacted through the extended work of NBCM over a period of 90 years. Christianity is being taken by a network of believers into villages and cities over a multi-country span.
The work began in China by J. Russell and Gertrude Morse. As their children and grandchildren moved into Burma and on into Thailand, a string of national believers were trained to continue the work. Lisu, Lahu, Rawang, and many other tribes have sent out leaders in their own communities and into new unreached territories across the area.
Since 1972, when the Morse’s relocated in Thailand, this network has branched in many directions with indigenous pastors and teachers carrying the messag e of Jesus Christ.
Other missionary co-workers have joined the Morse family over the years bringing their own expertise and vision into the mission. The work continues on and expands as each new believer picks up the baton and runs the race.
Area Women’s Luncheon: April 14th
DATE: Saturday, April 14th
TIME: 11:30 am
LOCATION: Harlandale Christian Church
R.S.V.P. by signing the clipboard outside our auditorium before April 8th
The guest speaker will be Karen Ehman and the topic will be “Keep It Shut”.
Harlandale Christian Church is located at 302 E. Gerard, San Antonio, TX 78214
April Newsletter
If you missed the April issue of the ERCC newsletter, you can view it HERE.
Note: The last 12 issues are always available in the Newsletter Archive (Left side of Home Page)
Men’s Fellowship Dinner on Friday March 23rd
Our first ERCC Men’s Fellowship meeting for the spring will be on:
Friday, March 23rd
at 7:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall
Burgers will be provided and attendees are asked to bring the sides and desserts!
The theme for the meeting is “Being a Holy Man”
Invite A Friend!
You can sign up by:
Adding your name to the clipboard list in the Foyer
Send an email message to:
Pictures of 2018 Chili Cookoff
Here are some pictures of our 2018 Chili Cookoff. This event raised over $700 for our youth’s trips to Christ In Youth (CIY) camps this summer. Thanks to everyone who competed and to everyone who raised this money by “voting”!
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Memorial Service
Dear ERCC Family,
Ruth Pillen went to be with the Lord last week.
You are invited to attend a Memorial Service in the Evers Road Christian Church auditorium on Saturday (Feb 3rd) at 2:00 pm.
Potluck Luncheon – January 7th
“Good News Productions” is a Christian Outreach Program that has been supported by our church. Our missions team leader, Jenny Deptuch, has arranged for one of their representatives, Matt Brock, to update us on their mission during the January 7th Sunday morning service.
After church, he will join us in the fellowship hall for a Church-Wide potluck luncheon. The food theme for this first 2018 potluck meal is “Italian” (but we’ll eat whatever shows up 🙂
You can signup for the potluck luncheon on the clipboard in the foyer or reply to this email.

Secret Sister Luncheon – Jan 13th
A 2017 Secret Sister Luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, January 13th, at 11:30 am at the Alamo Cafe (I-10 and Wurzbach).
Bring one final gift to this luncheon for your “Secret Sis” and find out who was sneaky all year!