During the Sunday morning Bible Study (Sunday School), Millie Borelli is teaching a Sunday School class which is open for all adult women. The theme is “Unshakable Hope”. The class meets 9:00 – 9: 45 am in a Fellowship Hall room.
Author Archives: JerryK13
Jane Montez is beginning a Zumba class in the fellowship hall on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. This is a great opportunity to get some exercise in a Christian environment with Christian music and fellowship. We want this to be an outreach to the community as well. There will be a small charge of $3.00 per session. More specific details will be published in the church bulletin.
New Outreach: Middle School Bible Study
Please pray for our Youth Minister Derrick Olivares and his ministry with the youth. ERCC will begin hosting a weekly Bible study for Neff Middle School students in September. Derrick’s connection with Youth-For-Christ is what brought this ministry to ERCC. The Bible study will be held in our fellowship hall on Mondays from approximately 3 – 5 pm.
We praise God for this outreach!
Fall Kick-Off on September 26th

Join us for breakfast at 9 am in the fellowship hall. We plan to promote and introduce our Sunday School teachers. Then in our 10am adult worship service we’ll enjoy an amazing guest choir. Pastor Wright will begin a new sermon series – “Faith in Jesus.” We want to make this an outreach for people who need the Lord and who need to get back to church.
Please be thinking of who you can invite for this special Sunday!
Missions Update: Ninos de Mexico
Niños de México is a Christian mission supported by ERCC. They operate five children’s homes in the Mexico City area. Each home is designed to function as a family. With Christian house parents, their kids, and 11-19 children, Niños’ homes are truly loving and caring places for the children to grow and learn the love of Jesus.
Update from Steve Ross, Executive Director
This has certainly been a unique year with all that has happened in the U.S. and around the world. When the pandemic began in March 2020, we were unable to take in new kids who were in extreme circumstances! Since September, we have had multiple calls regarding kids in urgent need of rescuing. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED in order to respond to these requests!
Last month we were able to reopen our homes and WELCOME a family we had planned to take before the Coronavirus forced us to lock down. Carlos, age 8, Mayrin age 7, and Mia age 5 joined our Genesis and Jireh homes. The children suffered severe neglect, malnutrition, and had never attended school. It can take time for kids to adjust to new rules, routines, activities and, of course, new “siblings”. The kids are doing great now! It was fun to watch one of the little boys at the Genesis home, six year-old Jesus Salvador, take Carlos under his wing and show him where everything was and what he needed to do to fit into the family.
More children need YOUR help! There is an urgent need – we closed 2020 caring for 104 kids. Calls for help keep coming in, asking us to provide a safe home for more children who are living in desperate situations. YOU CAN provide hope and a new future for the kids who are being cared for by Ninos right now and those who will be welcomed in over the coming months! If you are able consider a special gift. A gift of any size will help us respond to the calls. More children need your help!
After-Church-Luncheon on August 1st
Join us for lunch after the morning worship service (11:30 am) on August 1st!
Bring your favorite entrée, side dish, dessert or anything else you want to contribute to the meal. Whatever shows up is what we’ll eat!
These events are always a good opportunity to fellowship with your ERCC brothers and sisters (and enjoy some good food)!

Vacation Bible School 2021
The fellowship meal will also serve as a celebration of the return of Vacation of Bible School (VBS) to ERCC. VBS will be held for pre-K through 6th grade kids each evening on Mon-Wed, Aug 2nd-4th. Let our youth minister Derrick Olivares know if you have a child that wants to attend VBS or if you want to help out.
Sunday Evening Bible Class
“Growing In Christ” is a 13-week course published by NavPress. It is being presented by Elder Jerry Lishman. Please join us!
Each week there is a memory verse and a chapter in workbook format. Books will be provided.
You will grow in your knowledge of the Word of God and you will grow in your faith.
We meet Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm for one hour in the fellowship Hall (except Sunday, July 4th)
No ERCC Activities Sunday Evening (July 4th)
Due to the July 4th holiday falling on Sunday this year, all ERCC activities in the evening are suspended.
Happy Birthday America!
Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes
These bible study classes are available for people of all ages. Click HERE for a list of the classes, teachers, and locations. YOU are invited! If you want to learn more about the Bible and Jesus as well as meet others in our church, our Bible Study classes is a great place! It happens from 9:00 – 9:45 am every Sunday morning.