Author Archives: JerryK13
December Newsletter From Elilo (Nagaland Orphange)
Elilo Patton is one of the missionaries we support. Information about this mission can be found our website under the “Missions” tab.
Here is a recent letter from her:
Dear ERCC Family and Friends,
As everyone should know by now, Phillip Walton will be retiring on December 27th after 32 years as the senior pastor of our church. The pandemic prevents us from having the BIG luncheon, dinner, or party we’d all like to have with Phillip and Jane before they leave. HOWEVER, we still have an opportunity to meet with them before they depart.
Drop by ERCC between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm on Sunday, December 27th for a Retirement Open House with Phillip and Jane in the fellowship hall. Follow the normal safety protocols we’ve become accustomed to, but the idea for this Open House in the fellowship hall is to provide time for people to come and go throughout the afternoon so the whole church isn’t there at the same time. This is your chance to personally express your appreciation and feelings for them as they begin their well deserved retirement life.
If you have a special gift, you’re welcome to bring it then. But if you’re considering a monetary gift…please know that they just learned their water well has gone dry and drilling a new well will cost almost $17,000! If you want to contribute toward paying that cost, a donation box will be available for those gifts as well (no pun intended).
If you have any questions, talk to Sylvia Rodriguez, Rose Kline, or Trudy Workman.
P.S. There will be Cake!
Our ability to have regular services inside our building continues to change, but our expenses and missionary giving from the church remain constant. The safest way to give your offering is online.
Please consider one of the three online giving options that were added this year.
Each option uses a program called “Tithely”.
You can give electronically directly from a bank account, credit card, or debit card.
There are 3 ways to use it:
1) Downloading the Tithely app to your smartphone (more info HERE)
2) Use a form found by clicking on the blue GIVE ONLINE button in the upper right corner above.
3) Via a Text Message (more info HERE)
These are the safest method for giving your offering. However, checks can still be used. Mail them to ERCC at: 5258 Evers Road, San Antonio, 78238. Your patience and understanding, if it takes longer than usual for checks to be cashed, is greatly appreciated.
Instructions for each online giving method is available under the “GIVING METHODS” menu option above.. If you have any questions , or problems, please send an email to Jerry Kline at
May God bless you as you continue to provide your tithes and offerings, even while our worship services are only online!
Congregational Meeting Nov 29th
A candidate for the position of Senior Minister at ERCC will make a presentation of his personal and professional background, and answer questions from members, on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 pm. He will return on November 29th to provide the sermon that Sunday morning. After the service, a congregational meeting will be held to vote on offering him the position of ERCC Senior Minister. All members are encouraged to attend, but only members 18 years or older are permitted to vote.
Reminder: Pastor Phillip’s begins his retirement on Dec 27, 2020.
Daylight Saving Time Ends November 1st
Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends on November 1, 2020!
So don’t forget to move your clocks BACKWARD one hour Saturday night, October 31st, before you go to bed (or get up at 2:00 am on Sunday to change them : -)
Enjoy an extra hour of sleep and come to church wide awake and ready to worship our God!
Reopening Part 2: All Gatherings
While continuing to follow the health and safety protocols we’ve had in place since resuming 10:00 am worship services, our next step is to resume other gatherings. So beginning October 17th ERCC will move closer to “normalcy” by restarting other church gatherings (with a few temporary changes):
• 8:00 am Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast meetings will resume in the Fellowship Hall beginning October 17th.
• 9:00 am Sunday School will resume on October 18th. However, all adult classes will combine and meet in the auditorium and all youth classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Toddlers should stay with their parents.
• 10:00 am Junior Church will resume on October 18th in the Fellowship Hall.
• 6:00 pm Sunday evening bible study will resume on October 18th. However, we will meet in the auditorium.
• 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on October 21st and will meet in the auditorium.
Face coverings should be worn inside our buildings at all times, unless you are seated and at least 6 feet from non-family members. Please continue to avoid physical contact, such as handshakes and hugging. Door handles and other common touch points are disinfected regularly, but hand sanitizer is also available, as well as disposable face masks if you forget yours.
Here are additional COVID-19 guidelines:
1. If you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home.
2. Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members, to the greatest extent possible.
3. Avoid physical contact such as handshaking, “high fives”, and Hugs.
4. Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members are encouraged to sit together, but maintain at least 6 feet from others.
5. Restrooms are open, but please limit use. Max occupancy is two.
We look forward to seeing more and more people return as we gather again as Evers Road Christian Church family!
If you have any questions about our reopening, send an email to:
Reopening Part 1: 10 am Worship Services
We are continuing to have 10:00 am worship services inside our building on Sunday mornings. Attendees are asked to comply with the COVID-19 guidelines listed below. The service will also be live streamed on our YouTube channel.
We love you, but if you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home!
If you’ve had contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please stay home!
Face masks are required, and can only be removed while at your seat, if you are at least 6 feet from non-family members. Every other row is closed to provide separation.
Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members while inside the building, to the greatest extent possible.
Greet others using a smile and wave! Avoid physical contact such as hugging, shaking hands, and “high fives”.
Junior Church, Wee Church, and the Nursery are closed. Children should sit with their parents.
Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members are encouraged to sit together, but sit at least 6 feet from others.
Restrooms are open, but please limit use (if possible).
Hand sanitizer is available.
During the communion time, a server will bring the elements to you by walking through the closed rows.
Bibles and Hymnals have temporarily been removed from the pews, so bring your own Bible!
The coffee bar is closed, so bring your own caffeine!
The water fountains are off, but small bottles of water are available.
Online Service
If you are not ready to worship inside our building, a live stream will still be available on the internet at . This link will direct you to our YouTube channel. Please understand that the audio and video quality will be lower than our services during the last several weeks. The setup required for a high quality online presentation is simply not practical simultaneously with attendees in the building. We will do the best we can, but apologize in advance if it is less than what you’ve come to expect from our online services.
Status of Other ERCC Gatherings:
— Other gatherings are still cancelled, but we hope to phase them in during the next several weeks. Canceled gatherings include: Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Sunday School classes, Sunday Evening activities, and the Wednesday night Bible Study. As we are able to resume these safely, they will be announced;
If you have any questions about our reopening, send an email to:
We look forward to seeing everyone as we begin gathering again in person to Worship our God!
– ERCC Elders
Live Stream
While we are meeting in person, we are also livestreaming the 10:00 am Worship Service for those not ready to to join us in person. You can find it on YouTube by searching “Evers Road Christian Church” or using the link found at: . Please understand that the audio and video quality will be lower than our online services at the height of the pandemic when the building was closed. The setup required for a high quality online presentation is simply not practical simultaneously with attendees in the building. We will continue to do the best we can, but apologize in advance if it is less than what you’ve come to expect from our previous online services.
NOTE: Beginning October 17th we are restarting smaller group gatherings including Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Sunday School, Sunday Evening Bible Study, and Wednesday Evening Bible Study. Some of these will be meeting in alternate spaces so everyone can maintain physical distance. Check out the details HERE. We’d love to see you in person again!
GNPI Thank You Video to ERCC
Here is a video made by Good News Productions International (GNPI) to show the ERCC congregation an impact made through our support to them.