Expanded Outreach Ministry

Good News!  The Home Comforts board voted unanimously to move the Home Comforts distribution location to ERCC.  This is an excellent and worthwhile way of serving others. The people served by Home Comforts are mental ill adults who are referred to Home Comforts by a Case Worker who has filled out a request form on the behalf of the mentally ill person.

That request is sent to Home Comforts; the requested items are then gathered into an order and a volunteer picks up the items and the paperwork and delivers it all to the mentally ill person.

There is also the matter of receiving the items that are distributed.  They will be received here at ERCC, organized and stored.

Pat Thompson is going to be the head of this ministry and Bill Workman is her right hand man.  She will be the organizer of people and things and will receive the requests.  Pat will need many volunteers to handle this ministry. We already have five people who are ready willing and able to help but we need more.  Home Comforts is a great way to serve others and receive the blessings and satisfaction that come with selfless service. (We will need at least one back-up person who can do everything Pat will be doing.)

Here is the timeline for the Home Comforts distribution center moving to ERCC:

  1. Empty the room/rooms that we need here at ERCC to store and organized items July 1-July 15
  2. Install shelving – by July 28
  3. Begin storing ERCC’s In-Kind donations — August 7
  4. Transfer all items at current distribution center to ERCC — August 8-16
  5. Organize distribution center — August 17-30
  6. Begin distribution from ERCC –September 1

During this two month period volunteers will be recruited and trained.

Home Comforts meets a need that no one else in this area meets.  It provides the everyday items to mentally ill adults that are well enough to be moved into their own homes. The items Home Comforts provides are things for the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom primarily — dishes, flatware, glasses, pots & pans, sheets, pillows, cleaning items, towels, soap of all kinds, etc. The clients of Home Comforts are usually moved into apartments that have furniture and nothing else — so Home Comforts steps in, only after a request by a Case Worker for the mentally ill person.

Join us in this great ministry to the truly needy and often desperate.

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