Fall Cleanup – Saturday, Oct 19th

9:00 am on Saturday, October 19th

We need your help to Clean-up the church grounds and the buildings on Saturday, Oct 19th at 9:00 am. We especially need windows washed and inside the buildings deep cleaned. The yard needs work too.  There is a job for everyone who comes to help!

Bring whatever cleaning supplies you want to use and yard tools you want to work with.  Lunch will be provided.  We only have major clean-up days twice per year, so we really need your help!

Talk to Dan Walton if you have questions.  

Game Night-Friday, August 23rd

large_game-onOn Friday, August 23, at 7:00 pm we will have a “game night” in the fellowship hall.  Bring a card game or board game and a snack to share.

Our game nights have been known to be a lot of fun!  We only have these events twice per year.  They are simply an opportunity to have some fun and get to know your ERCC friends better in a VERY relaxed environment.

Everyone is welcome to participate (or just watch)!

Sunday School Kick-Off: Sept 8th

sunday-school-kickoffJoin us on September 8th for the kickoff of another Sunday “School Year”.  We have classes for people of ALL ages!  We will also be advancing our youth groups to their new age groups.

If you are not in a Sunday School Class, this would be a great time to join one!

*** Check out our classes HERE ****

Kick-Off Schedule For September 8th:

8:45 am:  Breakfast Tacos, Muffins, etc in the Fellowship Hall

9:00 am:  Sunday School classes begin


Nagaland Orphange Update June 2019

The Nagaland Outreach Children’s Ministry is one of several Christian ministries supported by ERCC.  Below is the June update sent from our friend and NOCM director, Elilo Patton:


Dear family and friends!

Your NOCM family would like to send you all a warm Salumka, (Shalom)! The days go by so fast and I can’t believe it is already half way through the year. We are so thankful to God for His faithfulness and are praising God for all of you who have been a part of this ministry. Our hearts are filled with joy and we cannot express our gratefulness for the prayer support and generosity that you have shown to us. May the Lord bless you greatly and answer your prayer according to His richness!
We are very proud to announce that one of our children, Renben, has finished high school and has decided to study Theology. He will attend Harvest Bible College, which my husband Abemo founded four years ago. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he begins a new chapter in his life.

The children are growing so much, both physically and mentally. They are studying so hard for school. Since their studies are in English it takes much studying because it is very difficult for them. It is especially difficult for them to memorize the vocabulary words. The last two months has been rough since four of the children had chicken pox and had to miss school. Thankfully, it was only 4 of the children who had them. It is extremely difficult to catch them up in school as well as do their current work. But God is always faithful. He provides new energy every day to deal with whatever happens.
The monsoon season has begun and it has been raining almost every day. We have been very busy with the children. We have been planting trees and flowers and the orphanage grounds are looking so beautiful. We have enjoyed picnics, fun night, church activities and have celebrated the achievements of the children. God is so good! Please pray for us as the weather will be getting very hot and it can drain our energy. Also, pray for us as we prepare for Vacation Bible School. It is a great outreach to our neighboring children and great fun!

Abemo and I have been on vacation since June 5th. We will return to the orphanage on June 12th. It has been a wonderful time of refreshment! We are visiting the Philippines and Abemo is showing me where he studied, did prison ministry and where he served as a Senior Pastor for seven years. We have not been on a vacation since our honeymoon 7 years ago. We are having so much fun and this time was
much needed.

I will be in America on August 30th and return home on October 31st. I will be leaving behind my husband and son and that will be very difficult. We have tried to get visas for them but so far that has not been possible. But I am very excited to visit as many friends as I can while I am there, do some clothes shopping and eat wonderful food! My forwarding agent will post my schedule on the website and by email as soon as it is completed. Pray for safe travels for me.

Thank you all for being a part of this ministry and changing the lives of our children. We love and appreciate you and pray for you daily. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Because of Him,

Elilo Patton Ezung

Spring Potluck Luncheon March 31st

potluckJoin us for lunch after the morning worship service on March 31st.

This will be a potluck lunch so we’ll eat whatever shows up!

Signup on the clipboard sheet outside the auditorium or you can just reply to this email

This is a good opportunity to meet and get to know your ERCC brothers and sisters while enjoying a great homemade meal!

Potluck Lunch After Church on March 31st

Youth Fundraiser Luncheon, February 10th

On Sunday, February 10th, the ERCC youth will be offering lunch after the Sunday morning worship service.  

Spaghetti plates with the trimmings will be available for dining in the fellowship hall or for take out.  A $6 donation is requested.

Please support our youth by participating in this fundraiser.

This is a fundraising event by our youth trips

“Singspiration” – Spring 2019

It’s time for SINGSPIRATION!

The date for this Sunday evening (6 pm) of nothing but music will be April 14th. 

Whether you want to sing on the stage or sing from the pews, please come and sing!

If you are interested in providing special music (vocal or instrumental)  as a Solist, Duet, small ensemble, or Psalm reader, please contact our Song Leader (Chris Engstrom).

Fall Festival, October 31st , Wednesday

October 31st (Wednesday)
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm in the Fellowship HallClipart-Candy

Our fall festival is just around the corner and we need helpers!  For those who don’t know, every year ERCC has a fall festival on October 31st (Halloween). We have different booths and games for kids from around the neighborhood to come and enjoy for a safe Halloween alternative. We also rent a large bouncy slide and give out a lot of candy. If you are interested in helping setup for event, run a booth or help tear down, sign up on the clipboard in the foyer.  See Cody Walton for details.