If you missed the April issue of the ERCC newsletter, you can view it HERE.
Note: The last 12 issues are always available in the Newsletter Archive (Left side of Home Page)
If you missed the April issue of the ERCC newsletter, you can view it HERE.
Note: The last 12 issues are always available in the Newsletter Archive (Left side of Home Page)
Our first ERCC Men’s Fellowship meeting for the spring will be on:
Friday, March 23rd
at 7:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall
Burgers will be provided and attendees are asked to bring the sides and desserts!
The theme for the meeting is “Being a Holy Man”
You can sign up by:
Adding your name to the clipboard list in the Foyer
Send an email message to:
Here are some pictures of our 2018 Chili Cookoff. This event raised over $700 for our youth’s trips to Christ In Youth (CIY) camps this summer. Thanks to everyone who competed and to everyone who raised this money by “voting”!
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“Good News Productions” is a Christian Outreach Program that has been supported by our church. Our missions team leader, Jenny Deptuch, has arranged for one of their representatives, Matt Brock, to update us on their mission during the January 7th Sunday morning service.
After church, he will join us in the fellowship hall for a Church-Wide potluck luncheon. The food theme for this first 2018 potluck meal is “Italian” (but we’ll eat whatever shows up 🙂
You can signup for the potluck luncheon on the clipboard in the foyer or reply to this email.
A 2017 Secret Sister Luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, January 13th, at 11:30 am at the Alamo Cafe (I-10 and Wurzbach).
Bring one final gift to this luncheon for your “Secret Sis” and find out who was sneaky all year!
On Sunday, October 29th, our morning classes and worship services will start 1 hour later than normal.
10:00 am: Bible Study (Sunday School) NOTE: This is a one time change for October 29th ONLY! Harlandale Christian Church is celebrating their 75th anniversary that Sunday. The Walton family has a long history of service in that congregation and has invited Phillip to preach for them. We will be “Simulcast” broadcasting his sermon in the ERCC auditorium while he is preaching in Harlandale Christian Church using our big screen projection system, so we’ll be joining their celebration virtually! To accommodate Harlandale’s schedule for this special event, we need to start our service an hour later than normal. Please come on October 29th for this special event, but come 1 hour later than normal! October 29th Schedule at ERCC: 10:00 am: Bible Study (Sunday School) 11:00 am: Worship Service |
After the morning worship service on July 2nd, we’ll celebrate Independence Day with a Burgers and Hot Dogs luncheon in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is encouraged to wear RED, WHITE, and/or BLUE that Sunday!
The potluck items that attendees are asked to bring are: desserts, chips and dips, or whatever side dishes will be good with the burgers and hotdogs!