Reopening Part 2: All Gatherings

While continuing to follow the health and safety protocols we’ve had in place since resuming 10:00 am worship services, our next step is to resume other gatherings.  So beginning October 17th ERCC will move closer to “normalcy” by restarting other church gatherings (with a few temporary changes):

• 8:00  am Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast meetings will resume in the Fellowship Hall beginning October 17th.

• 9:00 am Sunday School will resume on October 18th.  However, all adult classes will combine and meet in the auditorium and all youth classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall.  Toddlers should stay with their parents.

• 10:00 am Junior Church will resume on October 18th in the Fellowship Hall.

• 6:00 pm Sunday evening bible study will resume on October 18th.   However, we will meet in the auditorium.

• 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study group will resume on October 21st and will meet in the auditorium.

Face coverings should be worn inside our buildings at all times, unless you are seated and at least 6 feet from non-family members.  Please continue to avoid physical contact, such as handshakes and hugging.  Door handles and other common touch points are disinfected regularly, but hand sanitizer is also available, as well as disposable face masks if you forget yours.

Here are additional COVID-19 guidelines:

1.  If you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home.
2.  Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members, to the greatest extent possible.
3.  Avoid physical contact such as handshaking, “high fives”, and Hugs.
4.  Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed.  Family members are encouraged to sit together, but maintain at least 6 feet from others.
5.  Restrooms are open, but please limit use.  Max occupancy is two.

We look forward to seeing more and more people return as we gather again as Evers Road Christian Church family!

If you have any questions about our reopening, send an email to:

Reopening Part 1: 10 am Worship Services

We are continuing to have 10:00 am worship services inside our building on Sunday mornings. Attendees are asked to comply with the COVID-19 guidelines listed below.  The service will also be live streamed on our YouTube channel.

  1. We love you, but if you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home!

  2. If you’ve had contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please stay home!

  3. Face masks are required, and can only be removed while at your seat, if you are at least 6 feet from non-family members.  Every other row is closed to provide separation.  

  4. Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members while inside the building, to the greatest extent possible.

  5. Greet others using a smile and wave!   Avoid physical contact such as hugging, shaking hands, and “high fives”.

  6. Junior Church, Wee Church, and the Nursery are closed. Children should sit with their parents.

  7. Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members are encouraged to sit together, but sit at least 6 feet from others.

  8. Restrooms are open, but please limit use (if possible).

  9. Hand sanitizer is available.

  10. During the communion time, a server will bring the elements to you by walking through the closed rows.

  11. Bibles and Hymnals have temporarily been removed from the pews, so bring your own Bible!

  12. The coffee bar is closed, so bring your own caffeine!

  13. The water fountains are off, but small bottles of water are available.

Online Service
If you are not ready to worship inside our building, a live stream will still be available on the internet at . This link will direct you to our YouTube channel.  Please understand that the audio and video quality will be lower than our services during the last several weeks. The setup required for a high quality online presentation is simply not practical simultaneously with attendees in the building. We will do the best we can, but apologize in advance if it is less than what you’ve come to expect from our online services.

Status of Other ERCC Gatherings:
— Other gatherings are still cancelled, but we hope to phase them in during the next several weeks. Canceled gatherings include: Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Sunday School classes, Sunday Evening activities, and the Wednesday night Bible Study. As we are able to resume these safely, they will be announced;

If you have any questions about our reopening, send an email to:

We look forward to seeing everyone as we begin gathering again in person to Worship our God!

– ERCC Elders

Live Stream

While we are meeting in person, we are also livestreaming the 10:00 am Worship Service for those not ready to to join us in person.  You can find it on YouTube by searching “Evers Road Christian Church” or using the link found at: .  Please understand that the audio and video quality will be lower than our online services at the height of the pandemic when the building was closed. The setup required for a high quality online presentation is simply not practical simultaneously with attendees in the building. We will continue to do the best we can, but apologize in advance if it is less than what you’ve come to expect from our previous online services.

NOTE:  Beginning October 17th we are restarting smaller group gatherings including Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Sunday School, Sunday Evening Bible Study, and Wednesday Evening Bible Study.  Some of these will be meeting in alternate spaces so everyone can maintain physical distance.  Check out the details HERE.   We’d love to see you in person again!

Funeral Services for Mike G.

Dear ERCC Family,

Mike Gonzales, one of our church brothers and husband of Millie Borelli, went to be with the Lord on Wednesday morning, August 26, 2020.

Visitation will be on Tuesday, September 8th at 6:00-8:00 pm at:

Sunset Funeral Home
6321 Bandera Road
San Antonio, Texas 78238

The funeral will be on Wednesday, September 9th at 9:30 am at:

Evers Road Christian Church (ERCC)
5258 Evers Road
San Antonio, Texas 78238

Burial will be at Fort Sam Houston, but only for family due to limited seating due to current restrictions.

Please pray for the family’s comfort during this time.  

August 9th Worship Service – Online Only

All events at ERCC remain cancelled through August 9th.  We will present an online service at 10:00 a.m. on August 9th using our highest quality recording setup that we’re only able to use when there is no audience in the church, so PLEASE join us online!  The services will be broadcast on our YouTube channel. The link can be found on our Facebook page at:  A facebook account is not needed to access the YouTube link.

As always, during our online services you will still be invited to participate in communion by providing your own bread or cracker, and juice or whatever substitute you have available.

Also, giving electronically using a bank transfer, credit card, or debit card, continues to be the safest option for receiving your offerings.    Click HERE to find out more information about online giving methods.  If you prefer, checks can be mailed to the church.

If you have any questions, send an email to:

Guest Speaker Material For July 26th Sermon

Stuart Tyler will be presenting the sermon during our online worship service on Sunday, July 26th. A Scripture to meditate on between now and next Sunday, and to reference as you watch next Sunday’s sermon, can be read below or downloaded.  A version with the translator’s footnotes is available in two different formats (PDF Acrobat Reader or HTML Web Browser).

HTML Download of Matthew 5:3-12 Translation

PDF Download of Matthew 5:3-12 Translation + Message

Matthew 5:3-12

3 God’s well-being is given,

not to the spiritually “self-sufficient”,

but to spiritual beggars;

for they are the ones open to letting God come down from Heaven

to set up shop in their lives.

4 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who party louder than their pain,

and care not for anyone or any-time else,

but to those who are greatly disturbed by being battered on the outside and in,

by the world and sin;

for they are the ones who can see that they will need God’s counselors,

some of whom are standing by 24/7.

5 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who try to conquer others to serve themselves,

but to those who conquer themselves to serve God and others,

for they are the ones who will be given God’s property permanently.

6 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who are proud of their own character and actions,

but to those who instead have an overwhelming, gnawing craving

for God’s approval,

for they are the ones who will have

their most important needs begin to be met in this life,

and every need fully met in the next.

7 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who are busy dispensing judgment on others

(especially those that bug them),

but to those who are busy dispensing God’s kindness to all they come in contact with

(not just the ones they like),

for they are the ones who will be forgiven.

8 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who focus on the outside,

trying to look like they are doing all the right stuff,

but to those who are clean inside,

for they are the ones who will be able to see God clearly, as He really is,

so they can become like Him.

9 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who ignore relationships that are broken

(whether by they themselves, or others),

but to those who try to mend broken relationships

(even if they didn’t cause the break),

for they are the ones who will be recognized as being like God in character and life.

10 God’s well-being is given,

not to those who work to get the approval of the world,

but to those who are hounded because God works through them in this world,

for when their job here is done,

He will pull them out and take them to their home with Him in heaven.

11 God’s well-being is given to you, when you are verbally attacked, hounded,

and all kinds of scandalous stories are made up about you and spewed all over

to try to make you look bad because when they look at you they see Me.

12 A spectacular finale of God’s lavish gift awaits you in heaven

if you hang in there.

So focus instead on that future party atmosphere

and let that celebration feeling gush up in you and come out in a jump of thankful joy.

You are in good company. In the same way,

God’s specially commissioned spokesmen who lived prior to you, were hounded.

They will be so pleased to see you when you arrive at that celebration.

ST Servants Translation

Copyright © 2018 Stuart Tyler: Partial or total reproduction, in electronic form or otherwise, is consented to, provided that this copyright notice is included and the author is clearly acknowledged.

To view a copy of this license, visit


Matthew 5:3 “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule. 5:4 You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. 5:5 You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are–no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. 5:6 You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat. 5:7 You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ’care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for. 5:8 You’re blessed when you get your inside world–your mind and heart–put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. 5:9 You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family. 5:10 You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom. 5:11 Not only that–count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit Me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. 5:12 You can be glad when that happens–give a cheer, even!–for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.” (The Message)

ERCC Events through June 28th

Due to continuing health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ERCC elders have decided to keep our campus closed throughout the end of June, with the exception of the 10:00 am worship service on Sunday, June 28th.  Masks are required to attend the service.  When inside our building, please follow the health precautions listed below.  The service will also be live streamed on the internet using a YouTube link that can found at before the service begins.  Any changes to the status of ERCC activities will be sent as early as possible. 

The best to be informed about ERCC events now, and throughout the year, is through our text message service.   If you are not already subscribed, there are two ways to get on this list:

     A.  Use the subscription form found here:
     B:  Text the code: EZYSL42186 to number: 313131


1. We love you, but if you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home!
2. Face masks are REQUIRED when entering and exiting. Please wear your mask until you are seated. If you are 6 feet from other non-family members, you may remove it while at your seat, but must wear it again whenever you leave your seat.
3. Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members, to the greatest extent possible.
4. Greet others using a smile and wave! Avoid physical contact such as handshaking, “high fives”, and Hugs.
5. The nursery is open for children 3 and under, but all other youth activities are closed, so children should sit with their the auditorium.
6. Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members should sit together, but maintain at least 6 feet from others.
7. Restrooms are open, but please limit use. Max occupancy is two.
8. Hand sanitizer is available.
9. During the communion time, a server will bring the elements to you by walking through the closed rows.
10. Bibles and Hymnals have temporarily been removed from the pews, so bring your own Bible!
11. The coffee bar is closed, so bring your own caffeine!
12. The water fountains are off, but small bottles of water are available.

Only a 10:00 am service on June 21st

• We still want to see you at church, but due to increased health concerns in the San Antonio area, we will ONLY have a 10 am Sunday worship service on June 21st.

• Attendees should continue to follow all previous precautions, but we now ask that everyone wear a mask while in the building until you are at your seat, and again whenever you leave your seat to depart.

• The nursery will be open for kids 3 and under, but all other youth should sit with their families in the auditorium.

• For now, no other ERCC activities are scheduled, but this is an evolving situation so please watch for updates.


1. We love you, but if you have a fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, achiness, or any flu-like symptom, please stay home!
2. Face masks are REQUIRED when entering and exiting. Please wear your mask until you are seated. If you are 6 feet from other non-family members, you may remove it while at your seat, but must wear it again whenever you leave your seat.
3. Maintain 6 feet separation from non-family members, to the greatest extent possible.
4. Greet others using a smile and wave! Avoid physical contact such as handshaking, “high fives”, and Hugs.
5. The nursery is open for children 3 and under, but all other youth activities are closed, so children should sit with their the auditorium.
6. Every other row of pews in the auditorium is closed. Family members should sit together, but maintain at least 6 feet from others.
7. Restrooms are open, but please limit use. Max occupancy is two.
8. Hand sanitizer is available.
9. During the communion time, a server will bring the elements to you by walking through the closed rows.
10. Bibles and Hymnals have temporarily been removed from the pews, so bring your own Bible!
11. The coffee bar is closed, so bring your own caffeine!
12. The water fountains are off, but small bottles of water are available.

Online Service

The service will be live streamed on June 21st using Youtube.  The link to the live stream will be found at

If you have any questions, please send an email to:

– ERCC Elders

Internet Live Stream

The 10:00 am Sunday morning service will be live streamed on the internet.  We will be using Youtube for the live stream, but the link will be posted at

You do not need a Facebook account to see the live stream this week.

If you have any questions, please send an email to: