On Sunday, October 29th, our morning classes and worship services will start 1 hour later than normal.
10:00 am: Bible Study (Sunday School) NOTE: This is a one time change for October 29th ONLY! Harlandale Christian Church is celebrating their 75th anniversary that Sunday. The Walton family has a long history of service in that congregation and has invited Phillip to preach for them. We will be “Simulcast” broadcasting his sermon in the ERCC auditorium while he is preaching in Harlandale Christian Church using our big screen projection system, so we’ll be joining their celebration virtually! To accommodate Harlandale’s schedule for this special event, we need to start our service an hour later than normal. Please come on October 29th for this special event, but come 1 hour later than normal! October 29th Schedule at ERCC: 10:00 am: Bible Study (Sunday School) 11:00 am: Worship Service |
Author Archives: JerryK13
ERCC Ladies Fall Fellowship: Sept 15th
Friday, Sept 15th, 7:00 pm
ERCC Fellowship Hall
The theme is “An Evening in China”
Chinese meal will be provided!
Signup on the clipboard outside the auditorium
click HERE to send email so we know how many to prepare for!
Gear Up for VBS 9-13 July

Don’t forget to register your children for this life-changing adventure.
Location: Evers Road Christian Church
Age Range: Pre K – 5th Grade
Red, White & Blue Sunday on July 2nd
After the morning worship service on July 2nd, we’ll celebrate Independence Day with a Burgers and Hot Dogs luncheon in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is encouraged to wear RED, WHITE, and/or BLUE that Sunday!
The potluck items that attendees are asked to bring are: desserts, chips and dips, or whatever side dishes will be good with the burgers and hotdogs!
Fathers Day Pizza Luncheon on Sunday, June 18th
Pizza will be provided and attendees will bring the salads and desserts for this potluck lunch after the morning worship service on June 18th to honor all fathers.
We need a headcount for this event, so PLEASE signup on the clipboard outside the auditorium or send an email to potluck@EversRoadChristianChurch.Org if you plan to come!
Guest Speaker from PBT on May 14th
Greg Pruitt from Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) will be with us on May 14th – He will be preaching that Sunday. Be at church so you can learn more about where your Mission dollars are going and how much good they are doing.
Gregg is a wonderful speaker with a lot of wonderful information about this mission supported by ERCC, so you won’t want to miss being a church May 14th!
Pioneer Bible Translators
For more than 40 years, Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) has been reaching the lost by translating the Bible into to their native language. More than 165 million people in this world do not have the Scriptures in their own language, so PBT is working to provide a translated Bible to each of the world’s people groups by the year 2050.
PBT also assists with evangelism efforts, and ERCC funded a PBT project for an evangelist named Paul Ousman. Paul lives in Guinea (West Africa) and purchased a motorbike so he could travel to villages and preach. He also started a goat farm to provide for and pay for the costs of the motorbike ministry.
Through Bible translation and evangelism, PBT (with support from ERCC) is helping to preach the Gospel worldwide.
Burger Sunday-May 28th
May 28th is our annual Burger Sunday – which always includes hot dogs for the hot dog lovers we have at ERCC, for lunch after the worship service.
Invite a friend to church that day and stay for burger!
A good worship service and a meal after will be enjoyed by all!
No Evening Service – May 14th
There will be no evening services on Mother’s Day, May 14th.
Sign Language Class, Begins March 5th
For those interested in our Deaf Ministry, Elaine Walton will begin a sign language class on Sunday, March 5th, at 5:00 pm.
Contact Elaine if you are interested!
Women’s Fellowship Group – Friday, March 17th
The ERCC Women’s Fellowship Group will meet on:
Friday, March 17th
at 7:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall
Irish Missionary Stories, Games, and Prizes!
Irish Beef Stew, Irish Soda, and Bread will be provided (cost paid via donations)
Attendees bring the Salads and Desserts.
Invite Your Friends!
You can sign up by:
Adding your name to the clipboard list in the Foyer
Send an email message to: Ladies@EversRoadChristianChurch.org